Survey on the Mapping of Funds for Cybersecurity Skills

ECCC Working Group 5 on Cyber Skills decided to relaunch the Survey on the Mapping of Funds for Cybersecurity Skills across the EU.

This survey aims at collecting information on Initiatives benefiting from EU/national/blended funding to support the development of cybersecurity skills, which:

  • cover the current multiannual financial framework (MFF), i.e., the period 2021-2027,
  • focus on trainings for professionals (higher education, vocational education and training, and adult education),
  • address cybersecurity skills initiatives (not digital skills as a whole).

This survey is addressed mainly to:

  • EU Institutions representatives overseeing initiatives
  • EU Member states representatives overseeing initiatives
  • EU Industry (startups, SMEs, corporates) running or benefiting from initiatives
  • education providers running initiatives
  • individuals benefiting from initiatives

The outcome of this survey will help European and National Institutions have a better insight on where upcoming cyber-skills related funds may be invested.
