Terms and conditions of use
I. General information
The following terms and conditions govern the authorised use, application and dissemination of content on the NCC-DE website. The NCC-DE generally welcomes the use of its content for non-commercial, legal purposes that serve the security of information technology. The use of the content is freely available for these purposes and in accordance with the following conditions - a separate licence agreement with the NCC-DE is not required in this context.
Any use of NCC-DE content may under no circumstances create the impression of co-operation with the NKCS and its participants or of a sovereign internet presence.
Internet pages and other media in which NCC-DE Internet content is used must not contain any criminal, violent or sexual content.
II. Downloads
Software and publications offered for free download may only be used for non-commercial purposes. Any further use, in particular commercial or journalistic use, requires the prior consent of the NCC-DE. For this purpose, please contact: nkcs@bsi.bund.de.
III. Citation
The reproduction of texts and graphics shown on NCC-DE pages as quotations is permitted without the consent of the NCC-DE, provided that the meaning and context are preserved and the authorship lies with the NCC-DE. Statements of the NCC-DE must be reproduced verbatim and in inverted commas. A reference to the source must be included in all cases.
IV. Links
The creation of links to NCC-DE Internet pages is generally permitted without the prior consent of NCC-DE, provided that the links are to Internet pages. No. II applies to links to download offers.
A text link or a separate link banner may be used to link to the NCC-DE website.
Framing of the NCC-DE pages is not permitted.
V. Mirroring the website
Any mirroring of NCC-DE web content requires the prior written consent of the NCC-DE.
If you have any questions, please contact us. Contact form: https://nkcs.bund.de/en/kontakt/