Consultation on the future EU-budget

The European Commission (EC) published a press release on ‘The Road to the next Multiannual Financial Framework' and launched public consultations on seven central topics for the coming EU-budget. One topic focuses on 'EU funding for competitiveness'. All interested stakeholders and citizens are invited to send their answers to the EC until 6 Mai 2025.

The press release on ‘The Road to the next Multiannual Financial Framework' outlines seven key policy and budgetary challenges that will shape the design of the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). For each topic stakeholders an citizens can answer a separate questionnaire. In the context of Cybersecurity research and development the survey on EU funding for competitiveness is most relevant. 

Have your say on the future EU budget and the policies it should support. The surveys will be open until 6 May 2025.